Thursday, June 24, 2010

Look, a real update!

Why, yes, this is an actual update that is fueled by neither snarkiness nor homework avoidance. Okay, maybe I have a practical tomorrow over skeletal muscles, but I had forgotten about that until just now, so it doesn't count. .....Okay, so maybe there's some snarkiness present, but I never said this would be devoid of snarkiness.


Things here in Memphrica are alright. It's hot as Hades, which I'm notnotnot okay with but surviving fairly impressively. I'll be finished with class in a week (Hooray!), and it's looking like I might have found a place to get in some clinical hours, so that's jolly good. The family is still intact, and I think I've finally adjusted to living in a family again. The garden is still growing quite a bit (Did I ever mention that we have a garden? Because we do.) and we're interested to see what we'll actually get to eat. The turnips sort of wimped out on us, but it's looking like we'll have a good supply of tomatoes as well some spare eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, and such things. Perhaps I'll take some pictures for you guys. Yes, I did just become your grandmother who sends you pictures of plants you don't care about. Don't hate.

The big thing happening right now-- which, of course, may not go anywhere --is that we're looking at a building downtown. It's a bit complicated to explain, but basically if God is putting this together like we think He might be, we could get this building to pay for itself by renting out storage in the basement, which is what the building was used for before. If it all will work like we're thinking it might, we think it's perfect. (You can see where Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot from the front porch.) And, yes, before you ask, it does fit with the 60-40 model. Unfortunately there are two issues: it's probably a thirty to forty-five minute drive, and most people don't have the vision to really understand the idea. It feels a bit like the Promised Land; it wasn't a walk in the park to claim that land, if you know what I mean. So. Definitely be praying for my dad-- that he would seek God's will and lead boldly, and that "mighty men"-- basically godly visionary leaders --would come alongside him. We really need to get out of the back of this church; our people are rapidly reverting to complacent, normal church people. Pray that God would provide-- if not through this, then through something else.

So yes. That's an abbreviated version of what's up, mostly because I can't think of anything else.
Also, I love writing stupid, ridiculous letters that normally include pictures of some kind, so please let me know if you'd like to exchange some good old-fashioned snail mail. I will warn you that the ridiculosity of your letters will have to compete that of with Aly's and Allyson's.

Love, miss, and praying for you guys.

"Now may the God of peace—
who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—
may he equip you with all you need
for doing his will.
May he produce in you,

through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him.
All glory to him forever and ever! Amen."
--Hebrews 13:20-21

1 comment:

  1. so i must admit a teensy tinge of jealousy for the lack of snail mail capabilities here. actually quite a bit more than a teensy bit. i miss you! however, i have been reading Irrisistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne and pray for you guys with every chapter - i see the inspiration of God in what you guys are doing... so know that i´m praying!!! love you! can´t wait to get back to hang out again!!!!!!!!!!!
